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The house is rented on a 7-night Saturday-to-Saturday basis. Cleaning and laundry are included in the total price so there are no hidden extras. No parties or events and no children under 8 are allowed as the swimming pool is not fenced. A 500 Euro damage deposit is required and will be refunded if there are no breakages or damages. 

Avril/Mai/Juin - 2500 Euros
Juillet et Août - 3200 Euros
Septembre/Octobre - 2500 Euros
Hiver - 2000 Euros

Locations à long terme en hiver
(Octobre à Avril) (max 8 semaines)

To enquire, please email


Pas d'enfants non-nageurs ou de moins de 8 ans, merci de votre compréhension!

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